Ýmislegt áhugavert, hættulegt og hræðilegt
Hérna sendi ég þér eitt og annað áhugavert af internetinu. Sumt skemmtilegt, sumt hræðilegt. Bara svona eins og nóvember almennt er.
Það er langt síðan síðast. En ég hef ekki bara setið auðum höndum því ég bjó til þjark handa þér:
Slembitexti tístir einu sinni á klukkustund, slembivöldum texta úr því efni á RÚV sem er, surprise!, textað.
Svo hef ég líka labbað á fjöll. Í gær gekk ég í góðum hópi á Fagradalsfjall sem er rétt austan við Grindavík. Reykjanesið er frábært til útivistar.
En að efninu:
🛳 Ghost ships, crop circles, and soft gold: A GPS mystery in Shanghai
According to the Manukai’s screens, another ship was steaming up the same channel at about seven knots (eight miles per hour). Suddenly, the other ship disappeared from the AIS display. A few minutes later, the screen showed the other ship back at the dock. Then it was in the channel and moving again, then back at the dock, then gone once more.
Eventually, mystified, the captain picked up his binoculars and scanned the dockside. The other ship had been stationary at the dock the entire time.
🔗 MIT Technology Review
⚔️ White Supremacists Have Weaponized an Imaginary Viking Past. It's Time to Reclaim the Real History
But far-right Viking medievalism is not about historical accuracy. Rather, it’s used to create narratives. So, to resist the medieval narratives that activate violent hate, we must create counternarratives — and to do that, we must understand the real Viking past and how it has been weaponized.
🔗 Time
📊 None Of Us Are Free If Some Of Us Are Not: Catherine D’Ignazio on Data Feminism
We try to ask questions like: How do these structural inequalities permeate the data science process? How did they infect every stage of the pipeline? What kind of questions even get asked? Right on down to what kinds of colors you choose to represent different things in your chart. So that’s kind of the intentionally broad focus on power while still being focused on gender throughout, but like, power writ large
🔗 Nightingale - The Journal of the Data Vizualisation Society
🎤 Amanda Palmer er umdeild og sérstök. Laura Snapes, blaðamaður á The Guardian:
In recent months I have been dealing with a bizarre situation with Amanda Palmer. I blocked her years ago, I think we had a spat about that tour where she offered to pay musicians in hugs and beer. She recently became fixated by this and asked her 1m fans to find out why I had.
📚 Besta íslenska bókin
Þessa dagana er hægt að hlusta á Stefán Jónsson lesa bók sína Að breyta fjalli á vef Rúv. Að breyta fjalli er besta bók sem hefur verið skrifuð á íslensku en það er ekki allt satt sem í henni stendur (og kannski þessvegna er hún svona skemmtileg). Eitt af því sem Stefán fór rangt með var sú kenning að Davíð Oddsson væri afkomandi Hans Jónatans. Þegar þú ert búin(n) að hlusta á Stefán, þá er ekki úr vegi að lesa bók Gísla Pálssonar um Hans Jónatan, Maðurinn sem stal sjálfum sér.
🔗 Að breyta fjalli á RÚV
🔗 DV, janúar 1994 á timarit.is um ættir Hans Jónatans
🔗 Maðurinn sem stal sjálfum sér, Goodreads
🚗 Car-Mounted Ads Take a New Direction: Data Collection
Last week, Firefly announced that its mini-billboards will start offering an even more valuable commodity: data. The company’s new higher-resolution screens can sense temperature and quantify pollution and track the acceleration and braking patterns of their drivers.
🔗 Citylabs
👨🎤 Brett Anderson, söngvari Suede, er að gefa út ævisögu
We always wanted to be a band that inspired loyalty. And we were always outsiders. Because I didn’t ever feel like my family fitted in. We were incredibly poor and we lived on a council estate, but mum was an artist, my dad was into classical music, we had a piano in the kitchen. I didn’t fit in with the people on the estate, and I went to a comprehensive, and I didn’t fit in there, so I didn’t ever have a tribe. I was always looking to manufacture my own tribe, really.
🔗 The Guardian
🔗 The Quietus
⚙️ Tækni almenningi til heilla
Anil Dash spurði á twitter nýlega:
where do you go to hear about people using tech to do good, or to advance good things in the world?
Leigh Honeywell benti á vef Bruce Schneiers, Public-Interest Technology Resources. Gullkista fyrir þau sem hafa áhuga á því hvernig tækni getur bætt heiminn. Það eru einnig mörg önnur góð svör á twitter þræðinum.
🏙️ The Captured City - The “smart city” makes infrastructure and surveillance indistinguishable
The corporate interests behind “smart cities” — including first movers like IBM and Cisco, joined by latecomers like Sidewalk Labs — are not only trying to sell a variety of technological solutions and management services like the control rooms that have been installed in Rio de Janeiro to Jakarta. They are also selling the ideological backdrop that justifies them. This entails constructing a narrative — simultaneously aimed at convincing planners, politicians, and the public — about the crises that cities face, the changes that are necessary, and the benefits that will come by letting corporations take the reins.
🔗 Real Life
🐱 Kettir og jarðskjálftar
Hello friends, today I will be using my expertise as a seismologist to tell you how to make an earthquake early warning system out of cats.
🔗 Twitter þráður Celeste Labedz
📈 Redlined by Algorithm
Artificial intelligence is slowly creeping into the gears of everyday life—making our homes smarter, our consumption habits more predictable for companies, our airports more tightly secured. AI is also helping to mechanize our ugliest social prejudices.
🔗 Dissent
🍋 An Oral History of LimeWire: The Little App That Changed the Music Industry Forever
In 2001, the internet’s premier file-sharing service Napster was shut down after just two years, leaving a giant vacuum in the ever-expanding peer-to-peer file-sharing space. There was, however, no putting the toothpaste back into the tube. Suddenly, it was possible — and extremely popular — to download media for free. It was only a matter of time before the next platform emerged to meet that demand.
⛪ Prestaköll, sóknir og prófastsdæmi I-II
Skjalasöfn kirkna og biskupsstóla, sem varðveitt eru í Þjóðskjalasafni, eru um 360 hillumetrar og ná frá tólftu öld til samtímans. Á árunum 1985‒1990 endurskráði Björk Ingimundardóttir skjalavörður skjalasöfn presta og prófasta og vann jafnframt að rannsóknum á söfnunum. Markmiðið var ekki síst að benda á fjölþætta möguleika til þess að nýta skjalasöfn kirkjunnar í heild, rannsaka þau og vekja athygli á skjölunum sem grundvallarheimild um fjölmörg svið samfélagsins. Auk skjalaskrárinnar sjálfrar var verkefnið rannsókn á því hvar mörk sókna, prestakalla og prófastsdæma lágu og hvernig þau hafa breyst í aldanna rás. Sú rannsókn birtist hér í tveimur bindum.
🔗 Sögufélag
🏥 Stanford professor who changed America with just one study was also a liar
His research work was also groundbreaking. In 1973, Rosenhan published the paper “On Being Sane in Insane Places” in the prestigious journal Science, and it was a sensation. The study, in which eight healthy volunteers went undercover as “pseudopatients” in 12 psychiatric hospitals across the country, discovered harrowing conditions that led to national outrage. His findings helped expedite the widespread closure of psychiatric institutions across the country, changing mental health care in the US forever.
🔗 New York Post
⚙️ Technology Is as Biased as Its Makers
Computer code itself functions as a form of law. It is written by humans and it regulates their behavior, like other systems of power distribution. It is not an objective process or force of nature. It expresses a power relation between coder and user, and it will reflect the system in which coders work. “Code is never found,” Lawrence Lessig reminds us. “It is only ever made, and only ever made by us.” Letting the free market determine these matters means that digital technology risks reproducing discrimination under the cover of an inscrutable process.
🔗 Longreads
👩💻 Programming in 1969
I decided to become a programmer 1965-'66. I had read an article with a picture of a flowchart and I thought “this would suit me”. When I graduated high school in 1967 there were no universities teaching programming, but there was a 6-month course in Solna that would become a 12-month course, and it was eligible for student loans. So I applied for that.
🔗 I Like Big Bits
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